Better Environment
Better Learning

Make it customized
Learn + Design

Learning made it possible to design the Opera House in Sidney
Learn + Design

More Flexibility
Better Learning

The Best Furniture
The Best Learning
Life is the only true teacher
H.C. Andersen

Life should be lived as play

Learn from yesterday
live for today
hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not
to stop questioning.

Study the past
if you would define
the future
My purpose is
to provoke people
into using their imagination
and make their surroundings
more exciting
Verner Panton

Better Socializing
Better Learning
Better Design…
Better Furniture…
Less Noise…
Better Environment…
Less Conflict…
Better Socializing…
Less Bullying…
Better Lighting…
More creativity…
More Exercise…
Less Vandalism…
… better learning
Less Noise
Better Learning
Soundreducing panels
with education
Education is the most
powerful weapon you can
use to change the world
Nelson Mandela
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all
Indoor Playgrounds
Learn how to see.
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body
Joseph Addison
Once you learn to read
you will be forever free
Frederick Douglass
Better Environment
Better Learning
Better Environment
Better Learning
Learning brings people to the moon
Learn + Design
Less Conflict
Better Learning
Less Conflict
Better Learning
Children don’t have to learn
how to be artists.
They just are.
Learn + Design
Less Conflict
Better Learning
Better Furniture
Better Learning
Make it customized
Learn + Design
Never stop learning,
because life never stops teaching.
Less Conflict
Better Learning
Better Furniture
Better Learning
Fjordveien Barnehage
Oslo, Norway
This kindergarten has some specially designed very colorful wardrobes.
The chair for the toddlers is a worldwide best-in-test chair.
The project was installed by UNO UNIQA Group.
Call for support and adversary
Learn + Design
Soundreducing panels with education
Movement, sports activity and meaningful exercise increase learning by 68%
University of Southern Denmark
Believe you can and you’re half way there
Theodore Roosevelt
Ved Glyptoteket
Copenhagen, Denmark At this kindergarten the children are very lucky to have the best play equipment for playing and exercising. This is helping to create an inspiring day full of learning. The project was installed by UNO UNIQA Group.
More Exercise
Better Learning
Learn how to
engage the mind
and the body
will follow
Learn + Design
Ørestad skole
Copenhagen, Denmark
The school was given a facelift with inspiring visual learning environments. This motivates the students to have an improved and more fun day studying and creates a better work environment for the teachers. The project was installed by UNO UNIQA Group.
Great for kids
with special needs
Learn + Design
Intelligence plus character
that is the goal of true education
Martin Luther King Jr.
Fashion is architecture
it’s a matter of proportions
Coco Chanel
Less Noise
Better Learning
More Creativity
Better Learning
Try to learn something about everything and everything about something
Thomas Henry Huxley
Better Lighting
Better Learning
Møhlenpris Barnehage
Bergen, Norway
This kindergarten has some very exceptional furniture including a unique kid’s chair, creating a special designed seating area.
The project was installed by UNIQA AS
If you are not willing to learn
no one can help you.
If you are determined to learn
no one can stop you.
Zig Ziglar
John & Frances Angelus Law Center
Baltimore, USA
At this university exciting and inspiring spaces have been created, using some of the best available school furniture.
Better Socializing
Better Learning
I see travelling as a great learning process, and my biggest dream is
to travel the world.
The future of the world
is in my classroom today
Ivan Welton Fitzwater

never exhausts
the mind
Leonardo da Vinci
Less Conflict
Better Learning
Creativity is just
connecting things
Steve Jobs
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatama Gandhi
Better Design
Better Learning
Darkness cannot
drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Martin Luther King jr.
Great light Create
Great Ideas
Better Lighting
Better Learning
Less Bullying
Better Learning
Store your knowledge
Everybody is a genius.
But if you judge a fish
by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life
believing that it is stupid.
Albert Einstein
More Exercise
Better Learning
Children and teenagers
should be active
60 minutes a day
and adults
150 minutes per week
Recommendation from WHO
Bratteborg Barnehage
Sandnes, Norway
If you were a kid wouldn’t you like to have your kindergarten
look like a small castle? This is a unique place with a number of products inspiring to exercise while playing.
The project was installed by UNO UNIQA Group.
People will learn from
your choices…
Learn + Design
… so make the right choice
Learn + Design
The capacity to learn is a gift.
The ability to learn is a skill.
The willingless to learn is a choice.
Brian Herbert

Great for kids
with special needs
Learn + Design
Make it customized
Learn + Design
Design creates culture.
Culture shapes values.
Values determine the future.
Robert L. Peters
Never stop learning
About learnplusdesign.com
The Concept
We offer you knowledge and guidance regarding learning environments. We cooperate with the leading experts in learning environments and are following the latest research and trends in learning.
Nelson Mandela
Environments for everyone
We make sure that your project does live up to the highest standards in terms of learning, design, play, noise ect. We do also think of work environments and how to prevent bullying in the environment.
Collaboration between all
With this in mind we collaborate with architects,
entrepreneurs, municipalities, kindergartens and schools. To learn more about Academy of Learning feel free to contact us.